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Getting started

Start by installing inversify:

npm install inversify reflect-metadata

Initialize your first container and add some bindings:


Experimental decorators and Emit Decorator Metadata options must be enabled in order to use this library.

import { Container, inject, injectable } from 'inversify';

class Katana {
public readonly damage: number = 10;

class Ninja {
public readonly katana: Katana,
) {}

const container: Container = new Container();


const ninja: Ninja = container.get(Ninja);


@injectable allows both Katana and Ninja classes to be used as container bindings. @inject provides metadata with Ninja dependencies so the container is aware a Katana should be provided as the first argument of Ninja's constructor.

Bindings are provided through the Container API.

Whith these two steps, we are ready to initialize our very first ninja!